Deana Carter
The Story Of My Life
Street Date: March 8, 2005
The Story Of My Life literally begins with one of my favorite, if not the best song I have heard from Deana Carter. "The Girl You Left Me For" has such a catchy ring to it I just love the beat of the song and the whole melody in general. "The Girl You Left Me For" reminds me of a 'road song.' When you're just driving along in your car and you want to hear a good song, this is it. The next song, "One Day At A Time" is another potential favorite from Carter. Up next came, "Ordinary" and "In A

Heartbeat" - both are among the album picks, as well. When "Katie" came on, I was a little taken back- as this isn't one of Carter's best, but Carter struck another positive note with "Atlanta and Birmingham."
On every album to date, I have thought that there were "hit singles" from Carter and then others that were just bland. Most of her albums have stuck out to me as extremely average. Carter has released several terrific singles including "Strawberry Wine," and "We Danced Anyway" but other songs on the albums would were never as strong as the ones she released. With the release of The Story Of My Life, you find a more creative side of Deana Carter which has made the difference. Without question, this is Carter's strongest album to date. There are only a couple songs (Katie and Sunny Day) that could be "tweaked." Other than those two, this album is actually pretty good. - Janelle Landauer
Track Listing:
1. The Girl you Left Me For
2. One Day At A Time
3. Ordinary
4. In A Heartbeat
5. Katie
6. Atlanta & Birmingham
7. She's Good For You
8. Not Another Love Song
9. Sunny Day
10. Getting Over You
11. The Story Of My Life
Album picks: "The Girl You Left Me For," "One Day At A Time," "Ordinary," and "In A Heartbeat."