I went into reviewing this album thinking "Who & what is hilljack?" After listening to this album, I figured so much that hilljack is one of the most unique bands ever. "Stand-Up" has potential to be one of the best albums from an independent group this year. Although hilljack is still quite "undiscovered" within the music industry, some of the members are not. Paul Jefferson, the lead singer for hilljack helped co-write "You're Not My God" with Keith Urban. Porter Howell, guitar and dobro player for hilljack, is also a member of the band, Little Texas. In my opinion, the "hilljack"

sound is a mixture of the country band Pinmonkey and country superstar Keith Urban. Quality gems on this album include: "My Side Of Town," "This Could Get Good," "Bigger Than Dallas" and "Luv Sux." Almost everyone can relate to "Luv Sux" which makes this a fantastic song. The band, hilljack is extremely different and unique in every aspect (Songwriting, vocals, style, the list goes on and on) but it is what makes them interesting. How could you not sing along to something like "Luv Sux" or "Throw-Down Hoe-Down?" Wow, What else can I say? - Janelle Landauer
Album picks: "Luv Sux," "My Side of Town," and "Throw-Down Hoe Down."