With every album release, Lonestar continues to step it up a notch. Let's Be Us Again is notably

their best work to date. "Mr. Mom" hit the #1 spot on the charts in late 2004 making this their 10th

#1 single. Other #1 singles include "Tell Her," "I'm Already There," "My Front Porch Looking In,"

"What About Now," "Smile" "No News" and "Amazed."

"From There To here" includes vocals by Alabama lead man, Randy Owen. "Somebody's Someone" is a touching song dedicated to the fallen heroes. Lonestar has already shown their support with the "I'm Already There" extra version on their Greatest Hits album. Richie McDonald, lead vocals, penned "Somebody's Someone" and also contributed his songwriting talents to 9 other songs on this album, as well. Michael Britt co-wrote "What I Miss The Most" with McDonald and Frank Myers. Dean Sams co-wrote "Women Rule The World" and "Summertime" with some of the best songwriters in Nashville - Brett James and Rivers Rutherford/Tom Shapiro, respectively. Lonestar has delivered another great album. - Janelle Landauer
Album picks: "Mr. Mom," "From There To Here," "Somebody's Someone" and "Class Reunion (That Used To Be Us)"
Added: January 28th, 2005