New Artist Feature: Ty Nelson
Ty Nelson is a fantastic new independent artist who released his self-titled album earlier this year. Nelson's crisp clear vocals and a wonderful collection of songs provide for a great album. Nelson remarkably reminded me of a young Kenny Chesney. Nelson has so many qualities including his amazing voice and songwriting abilities that just add so much to his music. Nelson contributed his songwriting talents to this album, co-writing "Where I've Never Been" with Michele Myers and Kevin Fisher.
Ty Nelson is also showing his support for our soldiers. Nelson begins: "My favorite song so far is actually a song that we have not yet recorded. It's a song about a soldier who leaves his wife and kids and never makes it home. It means a lot to me, because I have performed a lot for our military and I have met a lot of soldiers and their families and I truly feel for them when their loved one is gone for months at a time and may not even come home. I wrote the song after meeting a lady who lost her husband in Iraq. She is working with an organization called The Fallen Heroes Fund, which give tens of thousands of dollars to the families of fallen soldiers and it was her story that inspired the song. I am fortunate to be able to help this cause as well, as I am donating proceeds from my CD sales to The Fallen Heroes Fund." -- This is an amazing quality for a newcomer to already be donating and helping out. Speaking for myself, I come from a small town and we recently lost a soldier in Iraq, so it hits home. This is a great attribute for Nelson and he shows exactly who he is.
Ty Nelson's new self-titled album is available at his website. This album highly achieves what most albums try to do: Impress the fans, impress the media and impress the whole music industry in general. There have been only a couple independents so far this year with scorching talent. Ty Nelson just happens to be one of them. Ty Nelson is a fantastic album by such a talented newcomer. For more information, please check out Ty's website at: - Janelle Landauer